Welcome to the 71st episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

For this year’s Solstice episode, we interviewed the indomitable Morgan Daimler about the holidays and misconceptions, and debunked some misinformation about where some of our holiday traditions come from. This was an enjoyable and thought provoking conversation that was very informative and revealing to the point where we want to schedule for Morgan to come back to continue some of the threads we picked up in this episode.
Science Witch Podcast on Apple
Show Notes
5 Worst Witch Books ever Possibly
How did the Christmas Tree tradition start
How to Maintain Your 12-Foot Skeleton and Other Giant Halloween Decorations
The Living Goddesses by Marija Gimbutas
The Venerable Bede (673 AD – 735 AD)
The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath
Helena Blavatsky on Occult Confessions
An Cailleach mural in Drogheda, Ireland
Transcripts for this interview and intro/outro.