Episode 6: Appreciation vs. Appropriation
Welcome to the sixth episode of the Science Witch Podcast!
In this episode, Anjel talks with Solomon on the topic of cultural appreciation vs. cultural appropriation, specifically in the realms of witchcraft, Paganism and the furry fandom. See show notes below!
If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.
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Show Notes
- The Fandom Documentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv0QaTW3kEY - Harvest Moon Howl Fest
https://twitter.com/hmhowlfest - Jame Arthur Ray, and the Spiritual Warrior Sweat Lodge Tragedy (mentioned by Solomon)
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/arizona-sweat-lodge-james-arthur-ray-sedona-police-documentary-a9483406.html - Inciting a Riot – Yes this is our paganism
http://www.incitingariot.com/2020/06/yes-this-is-our-paganism-llewellyn.html - Washington tribal leader barred from entering Supreme Court hearing for wearing traditional headdress
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/414278-washington-tribal-leader-barred-from-supreme-court-hearing-for - That Witch Life: Episode 40: Glamour Magick With Chaweon Koo