Episode 41: Tree Talk for Arbor Day

Welcome to the 41st episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

Spirit Tree by Anjel

In this episode of the Science Witch Podcast, Anjel and Enku talk about trees, one of our favorite topics. We talk about trees in mythology as well as some of the ways trees and forests must now be managed to combat the wildfire crisis in the west. We also talk about some forests that have infamous reputations as well as about a tree that owns itself.


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Transcripts for this Episode


Show Notes

Big Tree Energy 

When Giant Mushrooms Ruled the Earth 

The magnolia tree that made Anjel a Witch

Picked Magnolia Blossoms 

History of Arbor Day 

Roots of Arbor Day 

World Forestry Center

Rethinking Wildfire exhibit with Bryan David Griffith 

Opal Creek Closed due to Wildfire 

Last day in Paradise: the untold story of how a fire swallowed a town (2019)

Tribal and Indigenous Fire Tradition

The Story of Pecans in Oklahoma 

Seminole Pumpkins 

Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Restoration: The Role of Fire

The West is Burning -Documentary 

Eco-Friendly Wood Composites: Design, Characterization and Applications

Wood imports by country 

U.S. lumber company found importing high-risk Peruvian timber

Undercover Investigators Find Oregon Link To Illegal Rainforest Logging

Hemp as a building Material 

Could 3D printing help solve America’s housing crisis?

Bolivia’s Law of Mother Earth

World Wildlife Fund – Report on Soy 

Celtic Tree Magic: Ogham Lore and Druid Mysteries by Danu Forest 

Saving the cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani – a cultural emblem

Suicide Forest in Aokigahara

The Hoia Baciu Forest

The Black Forest

The Fairy Tree at Uisneach in full bloom

Google earth images of Old Growth Amazon Rainforest 

Tree Equity Score

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth 

Sierra Club

United Mountain Defense 

Mountain Justice

Just Futures Institute

North Cascades Institute

Oregon Heritage Tree Program 

Arizona Heritage Tree Map 

Georgia Heritage Tree Map 

Octopus Tree

Willamette Mission Cottonwood 

The Tree That Owns Itself in Athens

Mystic South 

SWP on Youtube

Canadian Forest Tree Essences – Vibrational Healing Through the Natural Resonance of Trees


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

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