Episode 57: Yule Cat and Winter Monsters with Dara

Welcome to the 57th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

The Yule Cat, our Holiday Card for 2023 by Anjel

For our special holiday episode this year, Anjel got to talk to Dara about Yule cat and other winter monsters as well as talk about some of the aspects to modern pagan/heathen Yule celebrations that are part of our holiday traditions that we are making.


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Transcripts for Intro/Outro 

Transcripts for Interview


Show Notes

The Troth- Inclusive Heathenry


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

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