Welcome to the 30th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

Anjel protesting the leaked draft of the Supreme Court decision in early May 2022.
In this episode, Enku and Anjel talk about their time visiting one another in the Southeast, getting to meet Seba the Southern Fried Witch and Anjel talks about her time spent visiting New Orleans with their partner. They then chat a little bit about Enku’s herbal product’s business Goat and Thistle, which is a podcast sponsor. Towards the later half of the show, they discuss the recent assault on reproductive rights by the Supreme Court’s draft decision to repeal Roe vs Wade. They also talk about how witches have a long history of being the guardians of the sacred knowledge of birth and death and why it is so important for witches to advocate for reproductive rights.
Before the episode we talk about our Patreon page and the new extended content available to our subscribers.
Show Notes
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The “lessons” of the United Daughters of the Confederacy still have influence today in the Mid-South
The Satanic Temple cannot help you get an abortion, and it does not deserve your support
Witches Sluts Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive by Kristen Sollee
Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers
If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.
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