Welcome to the 20th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Enku and Anjel discuss Roses, the biology and history of these iconic flowers, magical associations, how roses have been used as symbols throughout history and even some ways to incorporate roses into your kitchen witchery and spell work. At the end of the episode, we host a promo for one of our favorite fellow witchy podcasts: That Witch Life.
We also discuss new updates to the Patreon, including rewards that Enku will be contributing through his herbal products business, Goat and Thistle.
Show Notes
Oldest Rose Bush- Thousand Year Old Rose in Hildesheim Germany
Tombstone Museum and the Largest Rose in the World
Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch: Mastering the Five Arts of Old World Witchery by Raven Grimassi
If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.
Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!